Temperature: 5,3°C |
Wind: NW 3 Bft Gentle breeze 4,0 m/s |
Rain: today 3,0 mm |
Humidity: 85% |
Pressure: Rising Slowly 998,8 hPa |
The map with the current temperatures is generated every 10 minutes from the current data from all weather stations, provided that the data is less than 1 hour old.
The second map shows the precipitation that has fallen today until the time stated on the map. Chapter: hwa weather maps
The map with the actual windspeed (10 minute average) is constructed 2 times per hour from the current data from all weather stations, provided that the data is less than 1 hour old.
The South-East of Belgium remains light gray, as no weather stations are nearby. Chapter: hwa weather maps
Temperature | Rain | Wind | ||||